Facebook Business Page
Having a Facebook business page nowadays is considered almost essential for most local businesses in Cooroy, Noosa, the Sunshine Coast and beyond. A Facebook page gives your business in Cooroy or Noosa the opportunity to connect and engage with your current and potential clients multiple times each week for a very low investment. If your local business doesn’t have a website – it is a very cost effective alternative – and if you do, it is a great tool to drive potential customers to that website.
If you personally have no interest in Facebook for yourself, but know you need it for your business – we can help you with that by installing your business Facebook page on our account.
By far the biggest expense with a Facebook business page is time – particularly if you don’t have a plan or a limited understanding of how the whole social media experience works. The key word here is SOCIAL – the vast majority of people are on Facebook to talk to and catch up with their friends – NOT TO BUY STUFF.
If on your business Facebook page, all you do is try and SELL, SELL, SELL, very soon your hard won followers will ‘unlike’ your page and go on chatting with their friends. This is what most small businesses fail to realise and usually results in them getting disheartened and giving up. Finding the right balance between selling and growing engagement with your page can be complicated.
You need to work out what it is your followers like to read, what pictures they like to look at, what videos they like to watch and more importantly, what type of content they will ‘share’ with their friends – this is how you build your audience. The best bit is – Facebook will quite happily give you this information and much more – if you know where to look.
At Firefly Solutions, we specialise in building (or resurrecting) your Facebook business page and then implementing a proven plan to manage it. We analyse your market and promote your page to the most receptive audience. We can craft your posts so that your followers actually want to share them with their friends so that you build your reputation, your brand and your followers trust in you – once you have done this, you will reap the rewards. Yours will be the local business they remember when they need the services you offer, this is when they will either call you, visit you or your website and this is the time that you directly SELL your services to them.
If at any time after we have built your Facebook business page and implemented your plan you feel you now have the skills and time to manage the day to day running of your page, we can hand total control back to you, however you must stay consistent and keep working at it to continue being successful.
Many of our existing clients decide it is a much better return on investment for them to let us continue running their social media whilst they concentrate on the aspects of their business they are the experts in.
Call us now on 0403 023802 to discuss how we can help either build or resurrect an existing Facebook business page for you or fill in the form on the Contact page and we’ll get right back to you.